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Barley breed Despina (Rapool)


One of the most popular German breeds


  • Stable and high crop yield
  • Genetically low protein-content
  • Lodging resistance


Variety nutans.

Intermediate bush

Plant is short, medium-long.

Ear is cylindrical, loose, of medium density with weak medium wax coating.

Awns are longer than ear, they are lacerated, with medium anthocyanin color of apexes

Bruchid is from large to very large, hairy ventral strigate (с опушенной брюшной бороздкой) and embracing lodicule.

Average crop yield 54.3 c/ha,

Mass of 1000 grains 42-54 g

It is moderately amenable to loose smoot, and highly amenable to barley net blotch.