- It is the most common breed of malting barley in Europe!
- Permanently high crop yield due to excellent adaptability to continental conditions.
- Drought resistance is higher than that of standard breeds as Ataman, Sonet, Vladimir.
- High responsiveness on means of intensification.
- Perfect quality. Low protein content even when there is nitrogenous nutrition and drought.
- Malting with high yield of malt extract. Due to balanced ratio of cytolysis and proteolysis malt stable quality is achieved in different malting modes. It is adopted to RF malting companies Soufflet and Malteurop.
- Worldwide recognition:
1. It is approved by national program C.B.M.O. (Association of French brewery), France
2. It is recommended by Berlin program Germany.
3. It is recognized by Institute of brewing and distillation (IBD), Great Britain.